Saturday, April 13, 2024


Since agriculture & pastoralism began, human activity has altered   half the land area of the Earth. Besides visible landform and albedo changes, this disturbance has increased rates of soil alteration.  A report in Science reassesses how much inorganic carbon is vulnerable to such changes and how this impacts the global carbon cycle. 

Size, distribution, and vulnerability of the global soil inorganic carbon

11 Apr 2024
Vol 384Issue 6692
pp. 233-239


Global estimates of the size, distribution, and vulnerability of soil inorganic carbon (SIC) remain largely unquantified. By compiling 223,593 field-based measurements and developing machine-learning models, we report that global soils store 2305 ± 636 (±1 SD) billion tonnes of carbon as SIC over the top 2-meter depth. Under future scenarios, soil acidification associated with nitrogen additions to terrestrial ecosystems will reduce global SIC (0.3 meters) up to 23 billion tonnes of carbon over the next 30 years, with India and China being the most affected. Our synthesis of present-day land-water carbon inventories and inland-water carbonate chemistry reveals that at least 1.13 ± 0.33 billion tonnes of inorganic carbon is lost to inland-waters through soils annually, resulting in large but overlooked impacts on atmospheric and hydrospheric carbon dynamics.

Friday, April 12, 2024

                         AS  CHINESE  HOAX

Produced by ‘The Ezra Klein Show’ 

 Back in 2018, Dario Amodei... wondered: What would happen as you fed an artificial intelligence more and more data? He and his colleagues decided to study it, and they found that the A.I. didn’t just get better with more data; it got better exponentially. The curve of the A.I.’s capabilities rose slowly at first and then shot up like a hockey stick.

Amodei is now the chief executive of his own A.I. company, Anthropic, which recently released Claude 3 — considered by many to be the strongest A.I. model available. And he still believes A.I. is on an exponential growth curve, following principles known as scaling laws. And he thinks we’re on the steep part of the climb right now. 

When I’ve talked to people who are building A.I., scenarios that feel like far-off science fiction end up on the horizon of about the next two years. So I asked Amodei on the show to share what he sees in the near future. What breakthroughs are around the corner? What worries him the most? And how are societies that struggle to adapt to change and governments that are slow to react to them supposed to prepare for the pace of change he predicts? ... This episode contains strong language.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024



Politics in a burning world      by Ajay Singh Chaudhary

“Here we might begin to think through palpable pressure and embryonic affect, of the inchoate affects of socioecological climate, of the novel affects attributed to climate directly, but also much more broadly of the affective matrix of exhaustion”-

REVIEW IN : Spectre,(  "a new Marxist journal... recovering the insights of Black radical thought, anti-colonial movements, socialist feminism, and queer theory for our politics...Whether an “academy of apparitions,” a “congress” of ghostly comrades, or the more feminist “racket of banshees” (or a pun-free socialist reading group) is more suitable to your local haunts, Spectre wants to hear from you and help coordinate efforts".)

It is now a cliché in some circles to say that all politics is climate politics. Yet it is also common to not take this seriously. The ways in which climate change is affecting society are not always easy to recognize, and left politics often fails to seriously integrate the climate dimension. Moreover, Marxist attempts to directly address climate change and other aspects of the ecological crisis are often insular. 

As Ajay Singh Chaudhary observes in The Exhausted of the Earth, “Marxological debates – incredibly prolific in eco-Marxist literature – aren’t particularly germane to climate politics.” Chaudhary’s book, intended as a corrective to those trends, offers much that is helpful for thinking about the politics of climate change.


The Exhausted of the Earth situates its arguments against the threat of right-wing climate realism—understood as “a political-ecological scenario of the concentration, preservation, and enhancement of political and economic power.” Such a scenario, Chaudhary argues, “is not only plausible and possible, but probable.” Today, right-wing responses to climate change often don’t involve outright denial; they simply aim for “maximal extraction for maximal maintenance or cash out that much better.”



Explorers do the strangest things.

In 1930, encouraged by William Randolph Hearst, the Prince of Wales and Jules Verne's grandson, an Australian kangaroo hunter embarked in a World War I surplus submarine on a voyage beneath the ice to the North Pole, taking along a gravimeter, oceanographic sampling gear and a weather station. 

He stopped 600 miles short, but came back with the first measurements of the oblateness of the Earth, having discovered the Atlantic Meridonal Overturning Circulation along the way:

Sunday, April 7, 2024


Lest confusion go to waste, The CO2 Coalition & the Cornwall Alliance have joined in a cunning plan to curb warming by re-siting weather station thermometers in the band of coolth traveling down the shadow of the moon during tomorrow's total eclipse of the sun.
Professor willie soon's   lunar steam eclipse
control knob detector

Besides demonstrating that sun-driven photosynthesis, not fossil carbon burning, is the God-given control knob that modulates Earth's ever changing weather, totality will bring CO2 absorption  by plants to an abrupt halt, and the ten degree chill of the moon's shade should erase America's positive average temperature anomaly in the new set of weather stations being specified for Plan 2025 by Trump shadow cabinet Secretary Willard Watts, thus restoring the Pause to its rightful place in the annals of climate cliche'.

A spokesman for Cornwall affiliate SonLife Broadcasting said the plan was theologically sound, and put paid to the conspiratorial CAGW "global warming" claptrap of the elitist MSM exactly as Reverend Swaggart's ministry had preached before:

"The Earth's temperature is not subject to the activities on the surface of the globe. In other words, humans can do nothing to make Earth cooler or warmer. Global temperatures do fluctuate up and down but such changes are totally within God's hands and mere mortals can do nothing to effect Earth's temperature one way or the other.

The first four words in the Bible are "In The Beginning God." So what God did in the beginning, He will continue to do according to His good pleasure. God created Earth for the benefit of humans. He placed animal life and plant life here for our sustenance and comfort. He designed humans and animals to breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Conversely, plant life breathes in carbon dioxide and exhales oxygen. 

This is God's master plan and nothing Al Gore and his kind do can change it one iota. Divine simpatico.  

The notion of selling or rationing carbon units is straight out of a con man's "a sucker is born every minute" play book. In other words, selling carbon units is nothing but a massive carnival hoax! 

Those who traffic in such drivel should be discredited and turned over to the justice system as soon as we get a real Attorney General"

Congregations of skeptics from Burlington to Buffalo & Cleveland to Carbondale hope to meet tomorrow to celebrate a monumental fall in the Ocean Heat Content of Lake Erie, sudden tepidity in the once Hot Springs of Arkansas, and a Pause in border crossings as climate refugees stop short at the frigid waters of the once sauna-like Rio Grande.

                                   CLIMATE  OF  AWE

All the emphasis on eye safety  has left many in the path of tomorrow's event  in the dark about the finer points of eclipse viewing.

Here’s what watching two total eclipses has taught my eyes:

1. The better you are dark adapted, the more you will see!

You only get minutes of eclipse viewing in a lifetime, and you risk a dim view if you dazzle your eyes  beforehand. 

2. Get to the center of the path of totality  Every mile matters!

At the edge of the path of totality, the eclipse lasts just seconds and the horizon stays bright. But at its center, the moon's shadow extends beyond the horizon, and midnight reigns at midday for three solid minutes. As with the Milky Way, the darker the sky, the more awesome the sight of the corona.

The good news is that while we can't dark adapt in three minutes flat, we can do something past eclipse watchers never imagined

Cardboard 'eclipse glasses' leak a lot of glare, but the problem is avoidable. Why bedazzle your eyes staring at the midday sky when a live telescopic view of the shrinking sun is a google away

        on your cell phone 

This is where the art comes in. The sun's baleful surface is a million times brighter  than its million-mile-wide corona. Watch a sunset, and the long twilight automatically allows your night vision  to develop fully. Totality is not twilight. the sky goes black in the opposite of a flash! The darker the sky the bigger and brighter the corona, so get away from city lights !

Oppenheimer- style bomb-watching goggles are cool, but hard to find. Take even five minutes to dark adapt both eyes with a sleep mask, or one with a piratical black eye patch or cardboard monocle, your patience will be rewarded.   

You won't miss much, as you can see the whole run-up in reverse as the sun emerges from behind the moon- it’s the same movie played backwards.

The main event remains the solar corona, and dark adaption is the key to seeing it in all its glory. My first total eclipse, at the calm end of the eleven-year solar activity cycle featured  a few red prominences framed by a handsbreath of glowing corona. 

The next, close to peak solar activity like this one, was jaw-droppingly  different-- a wild mane of corona three moons wide stood out against a sky dark green as a Giotto fresco.

While PBS News Hour has been running eye safety warnings 24/7, it has missed a monumental teaching moment by neglecting to mention that line of  bright things that millions are about to see lined up on both sides of the black sun.

 It's the solar system. An eclipse is the only time you can see the whole damn thing at once. 


Modern UHD cameras image the corona's extent and color  far better than the naked eye. Yet no TV channel, NASA's included, took advantage of that exquisite sensitivity by stationing cameras under  rural skies dark enough to reveal the Milky Way as a backdrop to the sun's corona.

Dark adaption didn't stand a chance. Instead we witnessed the wanton destruction of night vision by the lights of thoughtless network cameramen, and the mass flashing of selfies as the eclipse lost the battle with streetlights no one thought to turn off for the day.  

Only as the eclipse was exiting America did NBC give Houlton Maine town Councilor and amateur astronomer Mark Horvath  a chance to name the planets flanking the sun. 

Monday, April 1, 2024

                        BEEF ALTERNATIVES : THE FULL MONTY


Python farming as a flexible and efficient

form of agricultural food security

D. Natusch, P. W. Aust, …T. Coulson 

Scientific Reports volume 14, Article number: 5419 (2024) 


Diminishing natural resources and increasing climatic volatility are impacting agri-food systems, prompting the need for sustainable and resilient alternatives. 

Python farming is well established in Asia but has received little attention from mainstream agricultural scientists. We measured growth rates in two species of large pythons (Malayopython reticulatus and Python bivittatus) in farms in Thailand and Vietnam and conducted feeding experiments to examine production efficiencies. Pythons grew rapidly over a 12-month period, and females grew faster than males. Food intake and growth rates early in life were strong predictors of total lifetime growth, with daily mass increments ranging from 0.24 to 19.7 g/day for M. reticulatus and 0.24 to 42.6 g/day for P. bivittatus, depending on food intake. 

Pythons that fasted for up to 4.2 months lost an average of 0.004% of their body mass per day, and resumed rapid growth as soon as feeding recommenced. 

Mean food conversion rate for dressed carcasses was 4.1%, with useable products (dressed carcass, skin, fat, gall bladder) comprising 82% of the mass of live animals. 

In terms of food and protein conversion ratios, pythons outperform all mainstream agricultural species studied to date. The ability of fasting pythons to regulate metabolic processes and maintain body condition enhances food security in volatile environments, suggesting that python farming may offer a flexible and efficient response to global food insecurity.

                            DO PIRATES CAUSE SST ANOMALIES?

Inaugural Speakers Include Flipper & Kanye Ye Cannibal King 
Commodore Trump has enlisted the Skull Island performance artist formerly known as Kangye the Cannibal King to extend Maori King Tuheitia Potatau te Wherowhero VII's grant of personhood to whales, with a Human Resources affadavy what declares Hostis Humani generis of all genders and genera to be people too.

The Dread Pirate drew applause by inquiring O' the Cannibal King whether the Hungarian Admiral he brought along be his apprentice or his lunch?
Many an Aarrrgh!  has been heard  in  the Port O'Baltimore of late, for the  China Trade be run hard Aground, bottled up in Canton when the scurvy 12,000 container galley Dali  broadside-swiped the Key Bridge and sent it to the bottom, creating a harbor barricado that leaves  scarce room to swing a cat o nine tails for to Shanghai able-bodied Heathens to man the galley oars. 

In compliance with the Black Book of Admiralty, the Baltimore Pilot what took the fee and gave the orders was taken to Dali's fo'cs'le to be beheaded on the Samson post as is customary to incentivize better pilotage, but was reprieved when the bos'n with the axe found a thousand ton block of bridge stanchion had driven the post clear through the keelson.

The Johns Hopkins School of Advanced Filibustering Studies says climate change was to blame for the accident, as the all-Indian crew were acting in haste to get home after  drought in Panama slowed lock-filling and delayed the circumnavigating vessel's canal passage

Essays & Affadavys

The Modern Piracy Association
Says them Frenchy Anthropocene Semioticians be right hornswoggled by Cap'n Koonin's latest WSJ op-ed, what hails geology's refusal to compete with The Epoch Times by naming an epoch after a species that be not dead yet!

New-Captured Logs 
Beware & take care of the Gulf of Cochin:
Kraken Chicken unleashed on China Sea
Red Sea Merchantmen flee Hadramaut Holymen

The Council On Foreign Pirations says Yemen marabouts have equipped their poxy Sinbad Jihad with drones, and round-shot Puckel Guns, causing captains to flee the Red Sea & Horn O'Africa to round Good Hope, lest the
Hoothy caliphate's corsairs toss the Brethren of the Coast into their barracoons as hostages to trade for  carbon offsets and xebec careenage discounts in European ports.

Ye Pyrate Law Review 
Former Harvard Law Review President interviews Bofun Watts
"And says I to Admiral Troomp: 
I sees no indictments- this be me thermometer siting eye!"

The Fig of Spain to Anne Bonny wannabe AOC's squally monsoon n'mega-drought scuttlebutt, sayeth Admiral Troomp's Master Climate Gunner Mynheer Ebell:

If the Gulf Stream starts to steam, says he, avast and advertise it, for it be  Mar A Lago's  new Net Zero sauna, the which adds a full zero to its property value affadavy, for it be a fine carbon offset!

Clean Coal Cap'n Steamboat Willie Soon is sure to fly the CERES Jolly Roger over his native Sulu Sea, once Admiral Troomp  keelhauls NOAA & replaces its afterguard with recruits from CPAC. 

stop ye pressgangs extra! 

No one in Piracy's Long & Brutal Ahoystory foresaw the drying up of the Darien, but tis credibly reported  by Captain Morgan that more of Spain's silver fleets must be taken to finance the locks of the new Alvarado canal across the isthmus of Guatemala which be designed to pass NeoPanamax rum tankers of 25 fathom beam and a million barrels burden. 

Sunday, March 31, 2024


Where was Senator Sanders when The Red Rebel Brigade prefigured 1-6 by occupying his state's Capitol to stop its 'colonialist climate inactivist ' Governor from delivering his 2020 State of the State speech to the Vermont Legislature? 

Air Mail reports the patron of the ruckus has moved to Tunisia to regroup:

by Ron Cohen  March 30 2024
You have seen him before...wearing wire-frame glasses in 1937, talking about the blood of the proletariat, Stalin and Trotsky... You saw him in a Mao suit in 1975…In 2024 he wears tattoos.
endangered but not extinct:
a real live american climate communist 

The one below the Adam’s apple, ACAB, is for “All Cops Are Bastards.” The one on the cheek, a kind of arrow beside his large brown eye, means something like “Fuck you and your death culture.”

“Did elite education get me around ideas that other people wouldn’t get around? "Absolutely,” Fergie told me. “People who are the most oppressed by a system are often those who have the least capacity to find ideas that would overthrow that system. It’s people in the elite who betray their background who build the intellectual vanguard.
Chambers built his Berkshire"ideologym" to get the vanguard of the revolution in shape.

Fergie was in Tunisia when we spoke. He’d been building his movement in Alford, Massachusetts. Fergie ran a gym where he taught the proles a little of the old hand-to-hand—the police shut it down...

“The local press was accusing me of forming a militia, which was crazy … We were giving martial-arts classes to working folks, and they were trying to say I was building Hamas in the Berkshires.”

And so, he took off. Why Tunisia? “We develop a lot of theory in the U.S. , but it’s not rooted in international resistance,” he explained. “Being in the Islamic world, in the Global South, close to what’s going on in West Africa, in Palestine, even in Ukraine, helps me feel more connected to those things.”

Fergie, who believes Russia is battling an appendage of the neo-colonial Western empire in Ukraine, is actually a fan of the old Soviet Union: his vanity license plates read CCCP "

Thursday, March 28, 2024


Fifty years ago Freeman Dyson took a bite out of the Energy Crisis by insulating an unused Olympic swimming pool with foam and plowing it full of  winter snow. Come summer, circulating  chilled water from the thousand ton slush pond through the radiators of the Institute for Advanced Study quietly did the job of a hundred noisy air conditioners.

Fast forward a half century and a degree of warming to Ladakh, the Little Tibet east of Baltistan best known for Red Hat lamas, snow leopards and Yeti footprints, where local ingenuity has created cheap drought insurance by making ice all winter to augment the diminishing glacial meltwater supply. Uphill springs feed downhill penstocks, pressurizing water to the level needed to fountain water a hundred feet into the frigid nighttime air. The conical ice cascade, designed to minimize melting when the sun is high, has incidentally created a new Buddhist art form— the Ice Stupa:

Tuesday, March 26, 2024


While The Guardian reports conspiracy theories linking the runaway  Baltimore Harbor  container ship to China, Q-anon, and flying saucers have  already circled the globe, over ten hours have passed without headlines or videos connecting the event to sea level rise, underwater volcanoes, low water levels in the Panama Canal, The Atlantic Meridonal Overturning Circulation, Galactic Cosmic Rays, Gulf Stream eddy temperature anomalies, or the Class 4 solar geomagnetic storm still in progress.

When will UNEP convene an emergency meeting to explain Climate Desk's shocking failure to adapt so valuable a crisis to purposes of publicity, and how it will impact the state of climate communication and the future of existential threat inflation as we know it?

The 948 foot long 157 foot wide vessel  displaced ten times more that the roughly 5,000 tonne steel truss bridge it struck only  a few tens of boat lengths after pushing off from its  container ship port dock, raising questions as to how she came to accelerate so significantly ( reportedly 8.8 knots)  and irreversibly in the confines of the inner harbor.

A coast guard and admiralty law replay of the aftermath of the grounding of the QEII in Vineyard sound is only to be expected, and the most salient question may once more be :

Where was the harbor pilot and what orders did he give?


Hope has dawned  at Watts Up With That for a Willlis Eschenbach article linking the ship collision to bad thermometer siting and Baltimore's notorious urban heat island effect , pegged on the latest news from the NYTimes:

Peter Eavis
57 minutes ago

Covering logistics and infrastructure

An inspection of the Dali last year at a port in Chile reported that the vessel had a deficiency related to “propulsion and auxiliary machinery.” The inspection, conducted on June 27 at the port of San Antonio, specified that the deficiency concerned gauges and thermometers.

Climate change can also be  invoked in the that the  hasty departure that contributed  to Dali's  accident reflected her being behind schedule because  drought  slowed lock-filling and so delayed  her Panama Canal passage  earlier in March.